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Generating Kubernetes Files

Add the plugin to your pom:


And then call the plugin:

    mvn io.github.parj:createk8syaml-maven-plugin:generate


Parameter Name Defaults Description
name The name of the project is taken, this is converted to lowercase The name of the application. By default, the name of the project is taken, this is converted to lowercase and then plugged in
namespace default Name of the Kubernetes application to use in the deployment, service and ingress. If not provided, this defaults to default.
port 8080 The application port to be exposed. If not provided 8080 is exposed by default
image The docker image registry url to use. Example: parjanya/samplespringbootapp
path The end point of the application to be exposed. Example /foo/bar
host localhost The host for the ingress. If not provided localhost is provided
readinessProbePath Path for the readiness probe for Kubernetes. Ex. /hello/actuator/health.
livenessProbePath Path for the liveness probe for Kubernetes. Ex. /hello/actuator/customHealthCheck
inputDirectory The resources directory is the default The input directory for kubernetes template files
outputDirectory The project build directory is the default The input directory for directory kubernetes files

Using with Jib/Fabric/Spotify Docker plugin

If you are using jib or fabric8 or spotify docker plugin, define the docker image name as a variable and then use it both places.

Within the properties section of the pom.xml, define a variable to hold the docker image name


In the plugin, use it as follows


and if you are using one of the plugins to create the docker image,


Deployment of Kubernetes files


And then call the plugin:

    mvn io.github.parj:createk8syaml-maven-plugin:deploy


Parameter Name Defaults Description
kubeconfig ~/.kube/config The path to the kuberenetes config file
context Current context within Kubernetes config The context to use withing the Kubernetes config. Used if you are connecting to a different server that is not the default one
deployDeployment true Indicate whether or not to deploy the Kubernetes deployment object
deployService false Indicate whether or not to deploy the Kubernetes service object
deployIngress false Indicate whether or not to deploy the Kubernetes ingress object
checkConnection true If toggled off, there will no connection check before deployment
filesLocation /Users/mudupa/sandbox/createk8syaml-maven-plugin/target/classes By default the maven build output directory is picked up


For more details on what is a

  • Kubernetes deployment, please see link
  • Kubernetes service, please see link
  • Kubernetes ingress, please see link